Fingerprint with GMO GMO selection Help icon

GMO selection

Find information on a specific GMO based on:

  • its unique identifier,
  • expressed trait(s),
  • genetic element(s) present in the GMO,

or by using free-text search (e.g. identifier, other characteristics).

Use * before/after search item for wildcard search if necessary. Click on Help for more details on free-text search modality.

List with GMOs and their identifiers Fingerprint with Barcode

View, sort and filter GMOs by their identifiers. Look into details of one GMO or go to a list with GMOs of one company.

List with GMOs and traits Fingerprint

This view provides a table with GMOs and their traits that can be filtered by classes of traits.

List with GMOs and genetic elements Fingerprint with DNA

This view provides a table with GMOs and their genetic elements, that can be filtered by classes of genetic elements.

Search for GMO

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